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6 Carpet Cleaning Tips & Tricks To Keep It Evergreen & Last Longer


Your carpet can enhance and decrease the overall look of your home. Yes, it can improve your home’s look, but if your carpet needs to be appropriately cleaned, it will decrease it.

Carpet Cleaning in Nanaimo is challenging, and you can only sometimes give your carpet for deep cleaning to service providers. That’s why in this post, we will talk about six carpet cleaning tips & tricks to keep it evergreen & last longer.

If you are struggling with carpet cleaning in Calgary and want easy ways to clean your carpet, this is a must-read blog for you.

6 Carpet Cleaning Tips & Tricks To Keep It Evergreen & Last Longer

 Carpet cleaning is complicated because most people want to avoid doing it. But they need to be made aware that if they do not take care of their carpet, it will become easier for them to clean it properly.

Here are a few tips & tricks that you can use to keep your carpet evergreen & get a longer life:

1- Use a Vacuum Cleaner:

Make sure to use a vacuum cleaner, with the help of which you can get rid of all the dust and dirt particles that can enhance the overall look of your carpet. Make sure to habitually use a vacuum cleaner on your carpet once a week. It can also help you eliminate the foul smell that your carpet makes after a long usage.

2- Get Rid of Carpet Stains As Early As Possible:

Just imagine you suddenly spilled something on your carpet, and it is making a stain on your carpet; in such situations, you need to make sure that it will become easier to manage carpet stains for you if you get them cleaned as soon as possible.

Right after spilling something, take a wet cloth and properly clean the area. Once that is done, and if you still think the stain is there, you can repeat the same process.

After cleaning it, you can use a hair dryer to dry the wet area on your carpet.

3- Do Not Keep Heavy Things On Your Carpet:

When you keep heavy things on your carpet, you will be able to notice alignment issues on your carpet. Therefore, if you want to keep your carpet in good health and aligned correctly, you should not keep any heavy items on your carpet.

4- Use Carpet Steamers:

There are stains and harsh dirt marks on your carpet, with the help of which you will notice a dullness on your carpet. If you also notice such dullness and want to get rid of it, you should use carpet steamers.

Take a carpet steamer and brush it all over your carpet, with the help of which you can eliminate all the dirt marks and dullness issues.

5- Protect Your Carpets From High-Traffic Areas:

If you have kept carpets in a high-traffic area in your home, you should shift them to another place as your carpet’s life decreases when used more.

6- Get Professional Cleaning Services:

You can contact a professional carpet cleaning service provider such as Sweepy Maids. Although it is suggested you get a professional cleaning for your carpet twice a year, you can process it as per your requirements.


Carpet cleaning is crucial when you love your carpets and consider them a valuable part of your home. These carpet cleaning tips & tricks will help you.

Contact Sweepy Maids for professional carpet cleaning services