Locally Owned And Operated

Locally Owned And Operated

Guide to Having a Cleaner Office Kitchen

Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the office kitchen is one of the challenging tasks but the tips maintained in this blog will help you do the cleaning task in a matter of seconds. 

Cooperation in Cleaning

Like in keeping your home clean, you might need assistance from people at your home; in keeping the office clean, you might need cooperation with your coworkers. 

Note: People are usually confused between commercial and janitorial cleaning. If you, too, don’t know the difference, then read here

A clean and hygienic kitchen represents the culture of your office. It signifies the bond between employees and the boss. Following are a few tips by top cleaners in Victoria that will help you to keep your office kitchen shining like a star: 

Set a Guideline

Setting a guideline will help everyone at the office. Anything in written form that is approved by higher management in the office holds its own value. It’s better to get a letter forwarded to all or a memo stuck on the wall about using the office kitchen. Responsibilities and guidelines need to be listed briefly. For example, if someone is cooking soup in the kitchen, then it will be his duty to clean the bowl or put it into the sink. 

It helps avoid unnecessary nuisances in the workplace. 

Arrange Kitchen Supplies

It is hard for office employees to clean their plates and bowls when they have to search for the cleaning supplies in the kitchen. Better to sort and arrange the cleaning supplies in order and keep it accessible for everyone. Cleaning supplies should be placed in the cupboard fitted below or above the sink. 

Frequent Decluttering 

Decluttering is an important part of kitchen cleaning. Kitchen area can be cluttered easily. A fixed date needs to be decided to declutter the kitchen. For example, the refrigerator in the kitchen can be filled with leftovers. When it comes to edibles then leftovers need to be dumped before it starts to create smell all around the kitchen and office. Decluttering will keep your kitchen looking fresh and tidy. 

Creating Awareness among Employees

Office employees, most of the time, don’t want to do or just casually skip the regular cleaning tasks related to kitchen chores. Creating awareness regarding office kitchen hygiene and keeping tidiness will motivate office staff to keep the kitchen clean and hygienic. 

Taking Help Of Professional Cleaners

Maintaining a kitchen hygienic and tidy is a challenging chore. Employees often struggle with cleaning high traffic areas in the kitchen. Spill and stains around the gas stove or on the kitchen table of the kitchen. If you or your company employees are struggling in cleaning high traffic areas of the kitchen such as the microwave, refrigerator and more, seek help from the best Cleaning Company in Surrey. 

Among the numerous benefits of working with a professional cleaning company, a few benefits are listed below:

> Deep cleaning of microwaves, refrigerators and storage areas

> Washing area of dishes

> Spill Cleaning 

> Sanitization of countertops and high-traffic touchpoints

> Great disposal of Trash & Recyclable Waste

> Remove Allergens and Bacteria from the surfaces

Tip: – Before hiring professionals for cleaning weather in the office, hospital, or Warehouse, read about the difference they can make. 


Keeping the office kitchen clean can be done with the cooperation of office staff, but office employees aren’t professional since they have limitations. If your office kitchen is cluttered with waste, then connect with Sweepy Maid, a Cleaning Company in Victoria. Get your office kitchen clean and hygienic like never before.